Category: Texting Abbreviations

  • DAE Meaning

    DAE stands for “Does Anyone Else,” a phrase used online to inquire if others share a particular habit, opinion, or experience. For example, “DAE feel anxious before making phone calls?” More Examples DAE get super annoyed when people type “u” instead of “you”? It’s like, IDK why, but it just irks me. SMH. DAE feel…

  • IANAD Meaning

    IANAD stands for ‘I Am Not A Doctor,’ which is used to clarify that the speaker is not a medical professional and their advice or information should not be taken as professional medical guidance. For example, in an online forum, someone might say, ‘IANAD, but it sounds like you might be experiencing symptoms of dehydration;…

  • IANAC Meaning

    IANAC stands for “I Am Not A Cop,” a declaration used primarily online to clarify that the person is not a law enforcement officer, especially in contexts where their words or actions might lead others to suspect they are. An example of its usage could be: In a conversation on a forum about legal boundaries,…

  • OTOH Meaning

    OTOH stands for “On The Other Hand,” which is used to introduce a contrasting point or perspective in a discussion. For example, “I really like going to the beach for vacation because of the sun and sand; OTOH, the crowds can sometimes make it less enjoyable.” More Examples “I thought the finale of the show…

  • ROFL Meaning

    ROFL stands for “Rolling On the Floor Laughing,” which means that something is extremely funny, often used to express that someone found something so hilarious that they are metaphorically rolling on the floor in laughter. For example, “That joke was so good, I’m ROFL!” More Examples Friend 1: “Did you see the cat video I…

  • SMH Meaning

    SMH stands for “Shaking My Head,” which is used to express disbelief, disappointment, or disapproval about something. For example: “He forgot his wallet at home again, smh.” More Examples “Just saw someone try to push a pull door for a full minute. SMH, some people really be living in their own world. LOL.” “Heard someone…

  • TBA Meaning

    TBA stands for “To Be Announced,” which means that specific details, such as dates, times, or locations, have not yet been determined or disclosed. For example, the schedule for the conference states that the keynote speaker is TBA, indicating that the identity of the speaker has not yet been announced. More Examples “The lineup for…

  • TIA Meaning

    TIA stands for “Thanks In Advance,” a phrase used to express gratitude to someone for a favor or assistance that the speaker is requesting or anticipating before it has actually been provided. For example, if you’re asking someone via email to send you a document, you might end your request with “Could you please send…

  • LMK Meaning

    LMK, which stands for “Let Me Know,” is used to request information or a response from someone. For example, if you’re planning to go to the movies and want to invite a friend, you might text them, “Do you want to see a movie tonight? LMK your thoughts.” More Examples “Hey, planning to binge-watch the…

  • NVM Meaning

    NVM stands for “Never Mind,” which is used to express a retraction of a previous statement or to indicate that something previously mentioned is no longer relevant or important. For example, if someone asks for help finding their phone but then finds it themselves, they might say, “NVM, found it!” More Examples User1: “Hey, can…